Best Email Marketing Solution for Micro-businesses

March 29, 2023

When resources are limited, choose a tool that’s got your back. 

Micro-businesses, typically employing fewer than ten people, have unique challenges to onboarding a marketing program, let alone an email marketing solution, compared to larger businesses with more resources. At Marketing Sweeet, we specialize in working with small and micro businesses with limited resources.

Micro-business Marketing Limitations

  • Limited resources: Micro-businesses often have limited budgets and staff, making developing and executing effective marketing campaigns challenging. Usually, each staff person wears multiple hats, and it can be difficult to dedicate time to marketing when other responsibilities demand their time.

  • Lack of brand recognition: Micro businesses may be unknown to potential customers, making attracting and retaining new customers difficult. With limited resources, developing brand recognition can be a long and stressful process. Understanding local marketing, social media, and email marketing is an excellent place to start.

  • Difficulty reaching target audience: Micro businesses may struggle to reach their target audience through traditional marketing channels, such as television or print advertising. Participating in these broader advertising channels can be prohibitive for small budgets.

  • Difficulty measuring marketing ROI: Micro businesses may lack the tools and expertise to accurately measure their marketing efforts return on investment (ROI). Without expensive tracking tools or marketing automation platforms, micro-business owners are without critical ROI data, often relying on intuition or qualitative data. 

Before you spend money on advertising and social media,
build an email marketing program with Constant Contact. 


Try Constant Contact with a 30-day guarantee.


Micro-businesses can focus on developing a clear marketing strategy, identifying their target audience, and leveraging cost-effective marketing channels such as social media, email marketing, and content marketing. Micro-businesses also need to track and measure their marketing efforts to ensure they are achieving their goals and maximizing their ROI.

Why Choose Constant Contact?

Constant Contact Logo

In total, there are around 60 marketing email solutions on the market. Each has its pros and cons. At Marketing Sweeet, we’ve repeatedly used and recommended Constant Contact for our micro-business clients when launching email campaigns for the first time. Why?

Constant Contact is a popular solution that offers a range of features and benefits that can be particularly useful for micro businesses.

Reasons why a micro business would benefit from Constant Contact

  • User-friendly platform: Constant Contact is designed to be easy to use, even for beginners. Its drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to create professional-looking emails without any coding or design skills.

  • Affordable pricing: Constant Contact offers a range of pricing plans to suit different business needs and budgets. A base-level account starts at $9.99 per month, with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

  • Marketing automation: Constant Contact allows users to set up automated email campaigns based on triggers such as sign-ups or purchases, which can save time and improve engagement.

  • List management: Constant Contact makes it easy to manage email lists and segment contacts based on different criteria, such as location or behavior.

  • Integration with other tools: Constant Contact integrates with a range of other business tools, such as Shopify and Salesforce, to streamline workflows and improve efficiency.

  • Platform scales with you: As a micro business grows, the tools should grow as well. Constant Contact has features and functionality that will enable your business to grow without the hassle of finding a new email marketing tool.

  • Award-winning support: Get expert advice from their dedicated Marketing Advisors via phone or chat.

Overall, Constant Contact can be a good choice for micro-businesses looking for an affordable and user-friendly email marketing solution that offers a range of useful features. However, it's important to evaluate different email marketing solutions and choose the one that best fits your specific business needs and goals.


Click to try Constant Contact with a 30-day guarantee!


“I heard email marketing is dead.”

We hear that also from time to time. Fortunately, that’s just not the case. Email marketing is here to stay. Read what industry-leading solution providers have to say. 

Are you looking for email marketing support?

Marketing Sweeet has the experience and cost-effective strategies to build your email marketing program, customer newsletter series, or any other email marketing needs. Learn more about the services we offer and how we work.


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