AIDS/LifeCycle Meta Ads Management
Marketing Sweeet drove Meta ads to generate $19k in registration value and $24k in donations with a 6.2 ROAS in just two months. Additionally, boosted engagement posts gained 6k Instagram profile visits and 3k Facebook page likes.

WeRateDogs Meta Ads Management
Marketing Sweeet used Meta ads to help WeRateDogs achieve over $175k in revenue and 18 ROAS in seven months. We also boosted engagement posts to gain 30k Facebook page likes and 34k Instagram profile visits.

AIDS/LifeCycle Google Ads Management
Within two months, Marketing Sweeet leveraged Google Ads to drive 442k site impressions, increasing visibility and resulting in $749k in registration value, $37k in donations, and 4.6 ROAS to further their mission.

Bread & Roses On-Page SEO Improvements
We helped Bread & Roses refresh their site with keyword-optimized copy and simplified navigation, creating a seamless experience that highlights their mission and engages their audience.

Grand Concerts Rebrand & Logo Redesign
Marketing Sweeet helped Grand Concerts refresh their brand with a new logo and color palette to match their location in the Colorado mountains and “casual excellence in a casual atmosphere.”

Network Zen Google Ads Management
Our Google Ads campaigns for Network Zen achieved a 203% increase in average new clients per month, a 63% reduction in cost per new client, and a 579% increase in attributed revenue.

Anime Ohio Social Media Posts
Anime Ohio wanted on-brand, visually engaging graphics to advertise their upcoming special guests. Our team used existing brand assets and collaborated with the client to best achieve that goal.

Cincinnati Comic Expo Social Media Posts
Cincinnati Comic Expo required posts to announce celebrity guests at their annual event. We designed graphics and wrote corresponding copy that garnered hundreds of interactions.

Super Cincy Expo Social Media Posts
Super Cincy Expo needed social media posts to increase awareness of their inaugural event. Our team created engaging content that grew their following from zero to over 1.6k across platforms.

Yoga Effect Event Page & Registration
Yoga Effect required updated event and registration pages for their annual wellness event. We provided sleek and straightforward layouts to provide an optimized user experience for attendees.

WeRateDogs Google Ads Management
Marketing Sweeet leveraged Google Ads to drive $876K in revenue with a 7 ROAS in one year, effectively increasing traffic to WeRateDogs' merchandise and boosting conversions.

Reiki Lifestyle Landing Pages
Reiki Lifestyle required updated course pages that improved user experience and increased conversions. We wrote keyword-rich copy to improve their organic search value and reach more students.

Network Zen Social Media Management
Marketing Sweeet elevated Network Zen's social media presence with a 9.22% LinkedIn engagement rate — well above industry averages — and significant growth in followers, engagement, and visibility across platforms.

Grand Concerts Social Media Management
Grand Concerts wanted a social media presence to show off their excellent performances. Our team served up Reels to promote upcoming concerts, increasing their reach to over 26k in under a year.

Day in the Life of a Network Design Engineer - Blog
Everyone loves a behind-the-scenes feature, so why not apply that to your brand? We wrote a daily life piece of a Network Zen employee to reinforce their fun, personable brand identity.

Work Matters Squarespace Website
Safety consultant Work Matters needed a paid membership area on their site and updated service pages. Our team delivered a fresh format and copy to improve user experience and buyer journey.

Grand Concerts Squarespace Website
Music non-profit Grand Concerts needed a new website to go along with a rebrand. We delivered a keyword-optimized site with a modernized format and simple e-commerce functionality.

Network Zen Calculator Lead Magnet
Our team created a tool to help our client, Network Zen, attract hot leads while they gave prospects a free resource on estimating wireless site survey costs. A win-win for all parties involved.

Japan Remotely Social Media Strategy
Japan Remotely, consultant to digital nomads, required a social strategy. We created content pillars, posting cadence, and content creation recommendations to build an engaged audience.

Network Zen Rebrand and Website Development
Advanced Network Consultants needed a brand refresh to help their brand stand out in a crowded marketplace. Sweeet developed their new brand, Network Zen, and developed a new WordPress website.

Charity Non-Profit T-Shirt Design
Network Zen Foundation is a non-profit enabling students with access to tech. The Sweeet team conceptualized and designed a t-shirt that would become a revenue generation tool for the organization.

How do EV Charging Stations Work? - Blog
Created by the our team as part of a electronic vehicle system equipment (EVSE) charging station blog series, this post supported a sales lead generation program managed by Marketing Sweeet.

How to Make Money from EV Charging - Blog
Created by the our team as part of a electronic vehicle system equipment (EVSE) charging station blog series, this post supported a sales lead generation program managed by Marketing Sweeet.

Yoga Effect: Squarespace Website
Yoga Effect, a Sweeet partner, needed to promote their mission to provide yoga and wellness to those without access. We designed a simple website and continue to provide content updates.